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Who is NUX? 🤔

I am Brigitta Scholz Mastroianni and NUX is my nickname since I was born in Bavaria a very long time ago. I have a special skill to connect quickly with the person in front of my camera and understand who they are and what they need. They will get exactly that and much more. #passion

There are several reasons which make me the photographer I am today.

I was diagnosed as a #HSP, a highly sensitive person. It can be a tricky way of life if you do not know what you are working with, but if you do, it has magical aspects. In my case, I see light, structures and people in an exceptional way. It’s beauty that my eyes perceive. Always. I immediately discover a person’s physical assets. I count myself lucky to have the inspiration and technical skill to be able to translate what I see onto images.

I spend 25 years of my life in front of the camera. I used to act and model in France, Italy, Germany, America and the UK. I was lucky to be one of the working actresses due to a good work ethic, passion and a talent I am grateful for. You saw me in commercials, on TV, in films, theatre, on the runway and in magazines. So relating to what it feels like in front of the lens plus getting you to pose in a beautiful, natural way comes super easy to me. Working in the big studios of the world influenced my photography as well. You are guaranteed to get a super star feeling, but most importantly …

… you will receive the NUX #PhotographicTherapy.

This is something I originally didn’t plan, when I started my business. people pointed out that they felt so much better about themselves after our sessions. So, I payed attention and noticed that clients would arrive rather weary, not really in the mood to have their picture taken even terrorised by the idea. Some are stiff or sweat, smiles do not come easily to begin with. Well, I have a way with people. The more reluctant you might be, the more this space inside me opens, from where I can take care of you in that vulnerable place in front of the camera. Not only will you enjoy a sensation of being totally safe, I can guarantee you will release all tension and be your beautiful self within 15 - 20 minutes. Clients leave the session changed. 100% upbeat. A crush course in confidence - an effect that happens within 2 hours and lasts for a very long time. There is not a session without laughter, yet our images always come out with you looking highly professional telling your customers who you are and how you can help, authentically. #PhotographicTherapy.

Your #PersonalBranding portfolio will be spot on.

Well this is me. I hope you can feel the passion with which I work.

If so, why not support and follow my projects? I would LOVE to be in touch.

Wishing you a gentle 2022. #freedom

Yours Brigitta/NUX


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 NUX Photography 

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